'Configuration file for VNA SVNA SW version 3.0.6 'This file pre-sets some variables and properties which may be modify by the user. 'Lines beggining from ' is comment line 'Plik konfiguracyjny 'linie zaczynające sie od APOSTROFU to są komentarze '2006/2007/2008 some upgrade changes made by SP3SWJ and SP7DPT :-) 'Programm in DUAL VERSION : '- LPT for VNA '- RS232 for original miniVNA and VNA with MEGA8 and MAX LCD by SP3SWJ [PORTSETTING] ' Port Type 1 = LPT 2=RS232 ' !!! remember for miniVNA set Port_type=2 Port_type=2 LPT_address=888 'printer port address 1 byte 888 decimal is LPT1 378h RS_address=2 'COM port RS232 adress - to check in CONTROL PANEL VNA_type=1 'config parameters must be set for correct visualisation '0 - VNA 30 dB '1- VNA MAX4 or miniVNA or VNA 40dB or SVNA SVNA=0 ' 0 standart VNA or miniVNA ' 1 SVNA with 80 dB RF probe input [CALIBRATION] RL_OFFSET_vna=0 ' set for CLOSE port in VNA and ZERO readout for RL ' or better set for terminator 200 ohm read as 200 ohm IMPEDANCE RL_OFFSET_filter=15.5 'set for OUT----IN connected in FILTER mode an ZERO readout for RL ' Additional SHORT INFO about CALIBRATIONS ' Calibration step ' 1 set RL_Offset ' 2 trim resistor on INPA AD8302 for PHASE 90 degree at 50 ohm measurmen ' 3 trim resistor on INPB AD8302 for PHASE 200 ohm at 200 ohm measurmen ' 4 check all again OFFSET_SVNA = -1.7 ' calibration offset parametres for SVNA RF probe input [PARAMETERS] ' REMEMBER !!! You mus set correct DDS CLOCK DDS_CLOCK=198000000 'DDS clock in Hz after multiplicatiom by internal DDS-PLL ' for 30MHz VNA AD9851 30000000x6=180000000 ' for 32MHz VNA AD9851 32000000x6=192000000 ' for 25MHz VNA AD9851 25000000x6=150000000 ' for standard miniVNA AD9951 400000000 FMin=100000 'min frequency in Hz FMax=65000000 'max frequency in Hz Champ= 649 'samples per screen '================================================= Step=1 'samples step - normally not used ' PLL prescaler DDS_PLL= 1 ' 1= no prescaler '256 = prescaler in PLL divide by 256 START_PAUSE=10 'in miliseconds - pause in each scan start 'works only in LPT version STEP_PAUSE=0 'in miliseconds - pause in each step start - used with PLL or slow scan 'works only in LPT version '--------------------------------------------------- ' Common Transmission Line Velocity Factors ' RG-58 ---- 0.66 ' RG-174 ---- 0.66 ' RG-213 ---- 0.66 ' 600 ohm Open Wire ---- 0.92 ' CATV Hardline ---- 0.81 InputVelFactor=0.66 '--------------------------------------------------- [MEMORY] 'Generator memory preset Hz F_M0=3600000 F_M1=7050000 F_M2=10500000 F_M3=14100000 F_M4=18050000 F_M5=21050000 F_M6=24550000 F_M7=27195000 F_M8=28050000 F_M9=29050000 [BANDS_LIMIT] 'Bands memory preset Hz F_M160s=1810000 F_M160e=1900000 F_M80s=3500000 F_M80e=3800000 F_M60s=5000000 F_M60e=5500000 F_M40s=7000000 F_M40e=7200000 F_M30s=10100000 F_M30e=10150000 F_M20s=14000000 F_M20e=14350000 F_M17s=18068000 F_M17e=18168000 F_M15s=21000000 F_M15e=21450000 F_M12s=24890000 F_M12e=24990000 F_M10s=28000000 F_M10e=29700000 F_M6s=50000000 F_M6e=52000000 F_M2s=144000000 F_M2e=146000000 F_M70cs=430000000 F_M70ce=440000000 [GRAF_PROP] 'The colors can be changed using the RGB value. 'value to be program = (R*1)+(G*256)+(B*64536) ForeColor=0 ColorS1=165335 'PHASE ColorS2=16711680 'RL - BLUE ColorS3=32768 'X - GREEN ColorS4=65305 'R - yelow ColorS5=16521960 'Z - PURPLE colorS6=255 'SWR - RED colorS7=0 'rss black BackGround=15790320 ' 15790320 BackGround chart GREY ' 0 BackGround chart BLACK ' 16777215 BackGround chart WHITE [SPECIAL_CAL] 'y=ax+b RL_a=1 RL_b=0 PH_a=1 PH_b=0 Z_value= 50 '180 degrees divided by 1023 adc steps Adc_phres=0.175953079 '60 dB divided by 1023 adc steps Adc_magres=0.058651026 '88,3 dB divided by 1023 adc steps 'Adc_rssres=0.086342131 'Adc_rssres=0.092542476 '68,6 @ 70 '96,6 dB divided by 1023 adc steps Adc_rssres=0.094431097 'from radians to degrees R2d=57.29577951